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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Common Causes of Water Damage in Jacksonville Commercial Properties

9/23/2021 (Permalink)

Malfunctioning sprinkler systems are a common cause of water damage in commercial buildings.

A malfunction of the sprinkler system in a hotel resulted in water damage throughout a hallway and several resident rooms of the facility. SERVPRO of Jacksonville Northwest was called in to extract the water and mitigate the associated water damage.

This is one example of a common incident that can necessitate water repair and cleanup in commercial facilities.

Following are some tips for preventing or reducing the severity of water damage events in commercial facilities in the North Jacksonville area.

Maintain the Plumbing

Regular plumbing maintenance can alert building owners to corroded or damaged pipes and partial sewer line blockages. A building owner or manager should be aware of the age, condition, and materials used in the plumbing system. Regular inspections can help to minimize the occurrence of a broken or blocked pipe and inform you of measures you can take to prevent backups, bursts or leaks.

Repair Roof Damage

Roofing can sustain damage from high winds or storm conditions. Damaged materials can result in leaks. Building owners or managers are well advised to inspect the condition of the roof after weather events and arrange for professional repair and maintenance if there are signs of roof damage. SERVPRO can assist by installing a tarp on the roof to limit water damage until repairs are possible.

Inspect Sprinkler Systems

Fire suppression systems play an important role in maintaining the overall safety of commercial structures. However, as was the case at the hotel, these systems can malfunction and cause water damage when no fire risk is present. Building owners and managers should schedule regular inspections of fire sprinklers to reduce the risk of water or fire damage.

Property owners who take these measures may be able to lessen the severity or even prevent some incidence of water damage. Prevention is generally more cost effective than emergency water damage repair.

If a malfunctioning sprinkler system or other incident results in a leak or flooding of your commercial building, call SERVPRO of Jacksonville Northwest at 904.256.4894.

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